Michael Brazzel, PhD, CPCC, PCC is a professional coach, organization-development practitioner, author, economist, trainer, and group-facilitator. Michael is in the world as partner, father, grandfather, and great grandfather and he brings a socialjustice consciousness to his work and life. He is co-editor of the NTL Handbook for Organization Development and Change: Principles, Practices, and Perspectives (2nd Edition, 2014) and the NTL Reading Book for Human Relations Training (8th edition, 1999), and a member of four professional networks – NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, Leadership that Works, White Men as Full-Diversity Partners, and Coaches for Equality and Diversity – all of which include coaching and have social justice at their core. Michael held teaching and/or research positions with American University, Cleveland State University, Harvard-MIT Joint Center for Urban Studies, Newton College, University of North Carolina, University of Missouri, and U.S. Air Force Academy and served as executive, manager, executive-coach, and organization-development and diversity consultant in the US government. Michael lives in Columbia, Maryland, USA.
Email: brazzel@aol.com.