David Bradford is the Eugene O’Kelly II Emeritus Senior Lecturer in Leadership at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. In 1969, he came to Stanford University to join the Graduate School of Business in order to develop what has become the landmark course in the MBA program – Interpersonal Dynamics [that students call “Touchy-Feely”]. He was the Founder and first Director of The Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society.
In addition to numerous articles, he has co-authored eight books including Influence Without Authority, Reinventing Organization Development and CONNECT: Building Exceptional Relationships with Family, Friends and Colleagues.
Dr. Bradford has lectured at, and consulted for, a range of organizations in the private sector including Frito-Lay, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Levi Strauss, McKinsey, Raychem, Starbucks, Roche Pharmaceutical, the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, The Detroit Institute of Art, The Getty Museum, and The Whitney Museum of American Art.
Email: dlbrad@stanford.edu