Argentine S. Craig

Over the past forty-five years, Dr. Craig, Diversity and Organization Development Consultant, has worked as university professor, management consultant, Peace Corps trainer and human relations/diversity facilitator/consultant. She has been on the faculty of, and associated with, numerous universities and learning centers (including American University, The Fielding Graduate University, Harvard University, Morgan State University, NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, University of the West Indies/Trinidad, Vermont College of Norwich University).

Ms. Craig has advised governmental departments of the United States, Kuwait and Bermuda in human resources, graduate education and management training issues of racism, sexism and ageism. During an eight year period, Argentine served as Consultant/Facilitator in Human Relations/Diversity work in South Africa with the NTL Institute, Africare and the United Nations. In 2000, she was honored with the title of Faculty Emeritus of Human and Organization Development from the Fielding Graduate University.


The Wider Environment

My Practice/My Theory